Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
This reminds me of me and my friend Scott
Scott would be the nicely dressed up on and I would be the other guy..It think it's pretty dead on.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
what I think
Well I have a lot on my mind so here goes one of my rants. And If I offend someone I'm sorry but this is how I feel. There have been a few things going on lately that have really got me thinking . Why is it that Christians are always labeled by the secular world as hypocrites? It seems that when something goes wrong or someone makes a decision that isn’t right and a Christian tries to help they automatically get called a hypocrite? I think to answer this question we need to look at the church as a whole and put ourselves in the shoes of the secular world. If you step back and look at the church as a whole we can easily find the answer. We have so many people in this world walking around professing to be Christians and then completely deny their faith by the way they act. I mean when you have some one like Pastor Jeremiah Wright saying things like “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”.
How is the world not going to see this a hypocritical? I mean everything he says he veils in Christianity and makes it look like that’s what all Christians think. There are many other examples of “popular” preachers that give Christians a bad name. Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson just to name a couple. But I think we need to look a little closer to home, and look at the individual parts of the church that make the body.
I was raised in church my entire life. I accepted the Lord as my savior when I was 8 years old. I didn’t quite fully understand the full meaning of being a Christian but I knew I sinned and I need to be forgiven. My walk with the Lord was strong for the next 3 or 4 years, then I hit Jr. High. I still had all of the same friends that I had in grade school but things were different. I realized I was using bad language more and not praying as much as I used to and as I entered high school things only got worse. I drank quite a bit in high school and then I got into pornography. Things at that point were just about as bad as they could be, until my friend Paul got interested in church. I took him on a friend day and a few months later Paul gave his life to Christ. The next few months were hard for me because Paul changed, I didn’t have my drinking buddy anymore. And not to mention Paul already knew the bible better then I did, this pushed me back to God faster then anything else could have. I started to change and low and behold my witness started to come back.
That is just a part of my testimony. There is a lot more I could say but I just can’t type it all. But the reason I put that in there is because in all things I want to be transparent. I think that is where the problem lies in the local churches. There is no transparency in most churches, and this is where the hypocrite word comes in. I think people come in off the streets who have never been to church before want to know that the people who are teaching them are real. Not just the teachers but the Media guy, the praise and worship leader, the deacons and elders and the list goes on. The last thing you want to happen is for someone to come to church for the first time and say..WOW that person goes to church? I saw them the other day doing this and this, or I saw some pictures of them on the internet that looked they weren’t Christians at all. I am guilty of this. Sometimes I do things that I know aren’t pleasing to God. But I know in my heart I need to change. I don’t want anyone to call me a hypocrite. It’s hard to live a blameless life but as someone who holds a position in the church I feel I owe that to God. So before the next time you go and do something or say something you know is wrong..think about it and ask yourself , Is this bringing glory to the throne of God? Trust me, it will humble you real fast. It did me.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Because I'm a man , when I lock my keys in the car, I will fiddle with a coat hanger long after hypothermia has set in.Calling AAA is not an option. I WILL win.
Because I'm a man , when the car isn't running very well,I will pop the hood and stare at the engine as if I know whatI'm looking at. If another man shows up, one of us will say to the other, 'I used to be able to fix these things, but now with all these computers and everything, I wouldn't know where to start.' We will then drink a couple of beers and break wind, as a form of holy communion.
Because I'm a man , when I catch a cold, I need someone to bring me soup and take care of me tenderly while I lie in bed and moan. You're a woman. You never get as sick as I do, so for you, this is no problem.
Because I'm a man , I can be relied upon to purchase basic groceries at the store, like beer, milk or bread. I cannot be expected to find exotic items like 'cumin' or 'tofu.' For all I know, these are the same thing.
Because I'm a man , when one of our appliances stops working, I will insist on taking it apart, despite evidence that this will just cost me twice as much once the repair person gets here and has to put it back together.
Because I'm a man , I must hold the television remote control in my hand while I watch TV. If the thing has been misplaced, I may miss a whole show looking for it.....though one time I was able to survive by holding a calculator..... ( applies to engineers mainly ).
Because I'm a man , there is no need to ask me what I'm thinking about. The true answer is always either sex, cars, sex, sports or sex. I have to make up something else when you ask, so don't ask.
Because I'm a man , I do not want to visit your mother, or have your mother come visit us, or talk to her when she calls, or think about her any more than I have to. Whatever you got her for Mother's Day is okay; I don't need to see it. And don't forget to pick up something for my mother, too.
Because I'm a man , you don't have to ask me if I liked the movie Chances are, if you're crying at the end of it, I didn't ...and if you are feeling amorous afterwards....then I will certainly at least remember the name and recommend it to others.
Because I'm a man , I think what you're wearing is fine. I thought what you were wearing five minutes ago was fine, too. Either pair of shoes is fine. With the belt or without it, looks fine. Your hair is fine. You look fine. Can we just go now?
Because I'm a man , and this is, after all, the year 2008, I will share equally in the housework. You just do the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning, the vacuuming, and the dishes, and I'll do the rest...... Like wandering around in the garden with a beer wondering what to do. This has been a public service message for women to better understand men
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I'm Back
WOW it has almost been a month since I have posted on here! Things have been really crazy lately. But I’m back (I think). Lets see since that last time I posted I have started school. This has been a culture shock for me. I feel old when I’m there. I mean the boy’s are smart mouths and the girls…PUT SOME CLOTHES ON..It’s called modesty and you should try it. This is the part that makes me feel old.I was sitting in class the other day and one the kids asked my professor a smart mouthed question, I had to fight the urge to turn around and tell him to shut up and that people were trying to learn in here. Could it be, that I am turning into an adult finally? Next to the professor I am the oldest person in the class. Oh well, I am only going back for me and my family, not for them. As far as the rest of my life is concerned everything is well. I FINALLY get a month off of running the projector at church(thank you Elizabeth). We are staying with my Mother and Father in law this week because some people decided to dig a ten foot trench all the way around our house. Now I understand they need to fix the foundation but after last night’s rain I’m guessing we now have a moat, anyone have any extra alligator’s or piranha’s I could have? Well there is a great deal more and maybe I will have some time to post more tomorrow but as for now I am off to see how I did on my first math test.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The following I think is how most people treat Jesus, myself included. We use him when we want him and throw him away. This song really shook me and if you get the chance look it up on youtube or any other site. The name if the song is Wedding Dress and Derek Webb sings it.
if you could love me as a wife and for my wedding gift, your life should that be all i’ll ever need or is there more i’m looking for and should i read between the linesand look for blessings in disguise to make me handsome, rich, and wise is that really what you want
i am a whore i do confess but i put you on just like a wedding dress and i run down the aisle i’m a prodigal with no way home but i put you on just like a ring of gold and i run down the aisle to you
so could you love this bastard child though i don’t trust you to provide with one hand in a pot of gold and with the other in your side i am so easily satisfied by the call of lovers less wild that i would take a little cash over your very flesh and blood
because money cannot buy a husband’s jealous eye when you have knowingly deceived his wife
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Me, Myself and Others
I have been rather observant of other people lately and I am starting to really not get excited about what I see. I try very hard not to be a judgmental person because I know I have done things that I’m not proud of, but it’s hard to see what’s going on around me and not feel….well flat out repulsed.
In my younger life I was a drinker. I could drink just about anyone under the table. It wasn’t a rare occurrence to see me with a giant bottle of Jack in one hand and a bottle of Rum in the other. I would go to parties and have a good time and get drunk. I would act like I was 5 years old again without a care in the world. At this point in my life I had completely lost my focus on God. I figured I would go out and do all of this stuff now so I wouldn’t miss out on what I perceived to be anything “fun”. But something happened. I grew up! I met my wife Brooke in the fall of 1999. I was just starting to get out of the drinking scene and trying to be an adult. She was (and still is) the best thing that has ever happened to me. As we dated I started to notice my thinking was changing. I didn’t see going out and getting drunk as a fun thing to do anymore. I was amazed, I didn’t think that could ever happen.
Flash forward a few years to..well…today. I look back at that part of my life and I don’t regret it. It’s amazing how God has used that as a witnessing tool to help show His glory.
But here is what has been getting to me lately. I have been around many people lately who are my age and are still acting like they are 18. I mean the other night I had a beer, I drank it in like 3 seconds and it tasted awesome, but I didn’t go over board. I started thinking this week about what the bible says about being a stumbling block to others and these are the verses that touched me.
1 Corinthians 8:9
9Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.
Romans 14:13
13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.
This really hit me hard, here I am professing to be a Christian and I still act the way I did when I was 17. I know changes need to be made, I do NOT want to be a stumbling block for other Christians or Non-Christians for that matter. I serve in our church, and I don’t want to do anything that would jeopardize that. I believe when you are put in a position of serving the church you should have some humility and be able to conduct yourself in a Christ like manner. So I am going to work on myself. Will I give up having a beer every once in awhile? No! I am just not going to be stupid about it. I will also work on my mouth . I say some pretty crude things sometimes and I’m often baited into it by other people as well. I am working on that to. I’m sorry this is so random but hey..it’s me.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Just how I feel Today
I was sure by now That You would have reached down And wiped our tears away Stepped in and saved the day But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining
As the thunder rolls I barely hear Your whisper through the rain "I'm with you" And as Your mercy falls I raise my hands and praise the God who gives And takes away
I'll praise You in this storm And I will lift my hands For You are who You are No matter where I am Every tear I've cried You hold in Your hand You never left my side And though my heart is torn I will praise You in this storm
I remember when I stumbled in the wind You heard my cry You raised me up again My strength is almost gone How can I carry on If I can't find You
As the thunder rolls I barely hear You whisper through the rain "I'm with you" And as Your mercy falls I raise my hands and praise the God who gives And takes away
I lift my eyes unto the hills Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord The Maker of Heaven and Earth
Monday, July 14, 2008
I stole this from That Guy.
A is for age. I'm 27 going on 13
B is for Burger of Choice. Five Guys double bacon cheeseburger.
C is for Car. 1991 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight...Pimp this suckas .
D is for daughters. I love my little girl!
E is for essential item you use every day. My liver...I think it is a very under loved organ.
F is for favorite tv show. How I met you mother
G is for groceries. BACON WRAPPED SCALLOPS...YUM
H is for how often you embarrass yourself. Not Much anymore, I don't really care what other people think about me.
I is for ice cream. Moose Tracks.
J is for juice. Does Lemonade count as Juice?
K is for kids. 1 Girl, Glenna.
L is for Lipstick. I find that a deep red really looks good on m...wait never mind .
M is for Mexican food. Jose Peppers is the freakin awesome .
N is for number of piercings. I used to have one but I accidently ripped it out of my ear and haven't gotten another one. .
O is for Optometry. I wear glasses...dang it.
P is for People You Were With Today. Richard and Terry.
Q is for Quiet Time. I just sleep...Ilike sleepy.
R is for Biggest Regret. Meeting Amy....OR 99.9% of the crap I did in high school
S is for sports you play. Football and BaseBall
T is for tattoo. I want one REAL bad
U is for what is unique about you. I give really good advice.
V is for Vegetables you Love. Corn...only because you rent it...
W is for Worst Habit. talking loudly!
X is for number of x rays. To many to count....Stupid football.
Y is for Yummy Food you ate today. Cheez it's and sugar free applesauce!
Z is for Zodiac. Capricorn but I don't belive in all that crap.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Bruised Ego
I am reeling a little bit today. It seems that my pride and ego have taken a massive blow. Let’s dive into this and see what happened. My weekend started off kind of bad. I wasn’t really feeling good on Friday but I was looking forward to going on a mountain man rendezvous with my dad and my brother and my niece. About 3pm dad called and told me it was to muddy to go camp up there so we called it off. I was really disappointed to say the least. So I went home hoping to just get some rest, I wound up cooking dinner and doing the dishes so Brooke wouldn’t have to do them. I went to bed around 1 a.m. and since I have the absolute best wife in the world she let me sleep in till 9. I woke up Saturday and headed off to my in laws to get the oil changed in my car. From there I went to the church to get all the media ready for the service on Sunday. I got home and mowed the yard, then went inside and crashed until it was time to go to Josh and Tara’s for couples night. It was a pretty good time as usual the food was amazing Josh and Tara really know how to cook!
So now we get to Sunday, Fathers day a day where dad rules all and is to be highly exalted above everyone on this earth. Ok so not really but it’s a nice thought. We went to church as usual and after words we went to Sonic for my fathers day lunch..I love me some sonic, We got home and started the mad dash of cleaning due to the fact we were having Charlie, Carrie and the kids out for dinner. Around 4:30 I started up the grill and commenced the grilling of the hamburgers and hot dogs with my 2” spatula (Yeah I lost my grill set). And due to the 2” spatula I now have no knuckle hair on my left hand. We had a good time with everyone, I thought the food was good and I’m still waiting to see the trailer for “DORITOS THE QUEST” those are not that good of chips by the way. After dinner we all sat down and watched Brian Regan, If you haven’t seen this comedian you need to. From there I went into the dinning room to play a game with the kids and Carrie. This is where my ego and pride take a hit.<----Sorry was the game we were playing, and if you know anything about me well I’m good at sorry, In fact I am the SORRY CHAMP! That’s right Amy I said it. But even the champ has an off night. We started playing the game and really I was the only one who knew how to play. I thought to myself “this is going be like shooting fish in a barrel, this will go quick” but I wasn’t paying much attention. I was giving the kids pointers and telling them how to play the game I didn’t really notice Carrie was getting all of her pawns into the home area. All of a sudden it was over..Carrie had won. “What the…?” I thought to myself. “did I just get hustled? “ Is Carrie a Sorry hustler? Broken and dejected I sat in my chair as one of her children Jack said he wanted to play again with only me. That made me feel better, but as the time was getting late I had to promise him I would play him the next time I saw him. But in all honesty thank you Carrie and Charlie for coming out to see us. I hope you had just as good of a time as we did, and Charlie…I’m ready for the chess. Well until Next time….Take Luck…Take luck and care for it…Take care of the luck you might have…
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Self help....
Do you Struggle with loneliness? Do you feel like you have a void in your life? Are thing’s just not as funny as they used to be? Well have I got a deal for you!!!! Hop on over to my friend Carrie’s blog and check out the two books she has had published from her blog series called… “Letters for your friendly cashier” Volume I and “Letters for your friendly cashier” Volume II. These side splitting stories are sure to have you in stitches as you read about all the zany antics that go on in the Market. So drop on buy and have a look see…you will be glad you did
Thursday, June 5, 2008
6 quirky things about me
Here are the rules.* Link to the person who tagged you.* Mention the rules in your blog.* Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.* Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking to them.
Ok here we go..
1. I hate and I mean HATE when the bar of soap get’s thin. I will throw it away before it gets to the point of bending.

2. I think monkeys are evil. I mean come on they throw poo! Anything thing that throws poo is evil.
3. Every night before I go to bed I have to check every door in the house to make sure it is locked. I will not be able to sleep if I don’t do it. Sometimes I will check twice.
4. I like odd food combinations. Like cheese puffs,peanut butter and pickles all together. Or frozen pizza with bbq sauce ,garlic and parmesan cheese. Hey Carrie You have just seen the menu for our house on the 15th!
5. I could sit and watch stupid movies all day. I mean who couldn’t? I love stupid movies such as: dumb and dumber, Mystery science theatre 3000, Robin Hood Men In Tights, MONTY PYTHON AND THE SEARCH FOR THE HOLY GRAIL…you get my point.
6. If I lose something I will absolutely melt down. I hate losing things. I will throw things as I look and get madder and madder only to find it was in plain sight the whole time…I hate it when that happens to…
Well I hope this isn’t extremely boring..and I don’t have 6 people to tag.. So Rachel, TG that’s all I got.
Monday, June 2, 2008
My Rant
So why do people annoy me? This question has been on my mind for quite sometime now. I have wrestling with feelings of general disdain for some people now for quite awhile, and not even because I don’t like them, it’s just they are annoying the living crap out of me. Lately it has been people who think they have the right to tell me how to run my family. I know deep down in my heart of hearts that they mean well, but It just irritates me so much when I hear stuff like this, “Well that’s not how we do it with our children” , or “You should do it this way because that’s the way we do it”. Ok first off, If I wanted you dang opinion I would have asked you for one, But since I didn’t feel free to shut the heck up. We all have different way’s of parenting, just because you do something one way DOES NOT MAKE IS GOSPEL! I’m sorry that I am apparently a bad enough parent that you see it fit to tell me how to do it.
I apologize for this rant, but this stuff really ticks me off. I just needed a place to vent so I don’t start punching people. And trust me there are times people have come REAL close to that.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I am so Bored
It has been awhile since I have updated this with the happenings in my life, so I figured it was time to do so. Things have been pretty boring lately. Friday night is my “nephew’s” birthday party at Dan and Amy’s. I feel so sorry for Amy, what was supposed to be a small party has blossomed into a huge party through no fault of her own. I will declare that I will not give Amy any crap tomorrow night due to this fact. On Saturday my band has a show in Blue Springs Mo, at a venue called The Link. I’m pretty excited about that. It amazes me sometimes that I get to play in a band, it was always such a big dream for me and I am so glad it has come true. So here are some upcoming things I am looking forward to. Charlie, Carrie and all the kids are coming out on a Sunday in June. I like having new friends, don’t get me wrong I LOVE my old friends but it’s always fun to hang out with new people. Besides I don’t think Charlie and I have even begun to scratch the surface of how bored we can make everyone with our passion of history. Also my mother just returned from a vacation to Illinois to see her sister. That may not seem like a big deal but she had a traveling partner…MY GRANDMA! All my mother would tell me is that she has A LOT of blog material for me so be on the lookout for that. Well that’s about all I have in my mind right now..
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Updates abound
Ok I need to post today to counter balance my mushy side. There is SO much going on this weekend, well only one thing really but it will take all day. Saturday Morning Brooke and I are heading to Bolivar Missouri to see my brother in law Caleb graduate. I am looking forward to spending some time with him and his fiancée, I’m just not looking forward to all the driving. Last weekend was a blast!! I went to my good friend Josh’s house Friday night to help him prepare for the BBQ we were going to have the next day. I had to stop by the liquor store on my way to pick up some beer for the mopping sauce we were going to use for the brisket. S0 I bought the beer and I also bought some Wild berry Country cocktails because that sounded good and I bought Josh’s wife a bottle of wine just to say thank you for letting be hang out over there for 2 days. Well as it usually does with Josh and myself things got a little out of hand, we went to lowes to get some quickcrete so we could put some fence posts in at his house. We got back from Lowes and headed over to Brandon’s house to cut some of the fence posts. When we got there Brandon offered us a beer, So we took him up on his offer. We got all the posts cut and went back to Josh’s house to start making our mopping sauce for the brisket when we realized that we had more beer then what we needed for the sauce..5 cans to be exact. So we couldn’t let it go to waste so we drank them. Then we drank some of the cocktails and decided to go put in some fence posts. There we were, half sober at 11:45 am putting up fence posts when we heard some creepy music coming form the woods behind the house, it was like crazy clown ice cream truck music…I almost wet myself. We realized about 12:30am that we needed stuff from Wal-mart so we took another trip to Bonner Springs to get what we needed and made a pit stop at McDonalds mmmm!!! I finally made it to bed at 2:30am and woke up at 5:30am to start grilling. It took 9 hours for the brisket to smoke but it was well worth it.
After all that was said and done Brooke told me the my brother in law Seth was home for mothers day, so we went to applebees in Ottawa to have dinner with him. It was nice . I like seeing him whenever we can and seeings how he is moving to Colorado in a month or so we try to get as much time with him as we can. Well That’s all I got,
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Last night....I made myself look stupid....as usual.
So last night was the awana closing program. It was good to see all the kids decked out in their uniforms an awards they received. Everything was going well until it came to my part. I had been working for the past month or so on this slideshow in power point of all the pictures that were taken over the year. This was no small task seeings how I had never used power point before. Well needless to say I got it done. I ran through it twice before the program started and was really excited about how good it looked, fast forward to that point in the program. Pastor introduced me and told how long I had spent on this video and the lights went out. “Oh boy” I thought this is going to be awesome. I started the music, clicked the button to start the show and reclined to watch my masterpiece..but wait a minute, the music is going but why is the screen black? Panic starts to completely envelop me. What’s going on why am I here WHO AM I!! I finally realized I had the screen on blank up front so people couldn’t see me working. Whew…..let’s try this again. I hit start and DOH! It was on the last slide…so me trying to look professional take 3 . Finally I got it to go. And I think it looked ok, but then again I am biased.
Monday, May 5, 2008
New Friends
Where to begin. Friday that’s where. Friday was a bad day. I was so tired from the night before and all the crazy storms and our power going out that I was really dragging and it was hard to get anything done. Friday night Brooke and I went to couples night at Josh and Tara’s house and we had a blast. The food was out of this world and the the company was great…well everyone except for Amy..she has an attitude. We left there around 10ish I think and when we got home I went straight to bed. I slept 11 hours Friday night for the first time in 8 years…it was AWESOME.
Saturday was nice, I went to the church around 10:30 to get all the stuff done for the service on Sunday, then I went home and Brooke, Glenna and I spent the evening together with nothing to do. It was wonderful to just all be together. And then came Sunday. Church was great as usual and the potluck…holy cow. I love church potlucks the old lady’s in the church sure can cook. We got home around one and Brooke and Glenna took a nap. SO I went fishing, I don’t think the fish like me one bit. I didn’t catch one thing…that ticks me off. Sunday night Brooke and I went to dinner at Carrie and Charlie’s house. I have to admit I was REALLY nervous. I kind of get that way when meeting new people. But we had a blast!!! I felt like we had known them for years. I do have one admission to make though. On the way home Brooke and I felt bad. We felt like we talked about ourselves to much and Carrie if we did we apologize, we were just having a good time. We really want Carrie and Charlie and the kids to come out to our house sometime. I think we have a lot for the kids to get into. Two things before I go..One, I want to go play paintball if and when Charlie and the kids decide to go..I even have my own Gun! Two…If Carrie and Charlie ever plan on going to the zoo..I hope they let us know because Brooke and I might be up for a trip to the zoo sometime..I love having new friends!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
this that and the other
Ok so I’m bored. Actually I’m busier then all get out but I was urged to update my blog so people would have something to read. I really don’t have much going on right now but I will try to unleash some tidbits of information I am looking forward to Sunday, Brooke and I are going to eat dinner with Carrie and Her husband Charlie. I am super stoked (90’s flashback.) about hanging out with Charlie, he’s a history guy and I’m a history guy so that means one of two things will happen, we will sit and talk about history for HOUR’S and bore everyone else in the room to tears with our smartness OR we will disagree on something and have to settle it in the 6 sided ring of fire. I really hope it doesn’t come to that. I am looking forward to seeing one of their kids in his natural environment I have a feeling it will be crazy.
I am also looking forward to next Saturday, Brooke and I are going to Tongie to have bbq with some of our friends. I am actually going on Friday to hang out with my buddy and get everything ready so we can start smoking around 5am. It should be a good time.
Ok so that’s all the information I have. Now it’s time for a game. I am going to put out some of my favorite movie quotes and the person who can guess what movie they are from wins.. I don’t know what the win yet but it’s something, so here it goes..
Mac: Oh, c'mon, we're like the sons you never had.
Captain O'Hagan: If you were my son, Mac, I would've smothered you by now.
Mac: Smothered me in gravy you big dirty man.
Mac: How's your shooting, Thorny?
Thorny: Good. I've been dead on all morning.
Mac: What about that little guy? [points to a bullet hole in the shooting target's neck]
Thorny: Who, that little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy.
Mike: Hi there, this is Mike Donnelly. I work over here at the recreational center. To be honest with you I pretty much run the place ha, ha, ha. Is this ah Pat Gyles? Good, Good. Hey, hope everything's going great in your fine town of er Avery? Edward! Ha, ha, ha. Say, the reason I'm calling is I wanted to tell you a little bit about the candidacy of Al Donnelly. Al Donnelly's a guy with a dream. His dream is to become governor of this great state of Washington. Hell, every guy's got his dream, am I right? Between you, me and the wall here, I doozy myself last night. Ha ha, ha, ha. Get this: A corn-fed harvest mouse, a hooker, a nun, a Flemish peasant woman, whips, chains, whistles yo-yo's, a circus midget. My grandmother riding by on a bicycle give me the finger, and a duck! Now, I don't know ha, ha, ha. Are you crying? Oh my lord. I am sorry honey, please don't ! Could you get your daddy on the phone. No, don't hang up please I... [phone hangs up]
Tommy: Hey, remember your brother Duane? Whatever happened to him? We used to go to Safeway all the time and get caught trying to steal doughnuts.
Michelle: He's a cop. He had to get a real job when my parents moved to Cuyahoga Falls. Tommy: Wow! [awkward silence]
Michelle: [holds up box of Dunkin' Donuts] Want one?
Tommy: I'd better not. I have what doctors call a little bit of a weight problem. I used to grab bear claws as a kid, two at a time, and I'd get them lodged right in this region here.
Crow T. Robot: Hey, Mike, you think you can toss me my calculations? Thanks! Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.
Cal Meecham: [after German scientist comments on Mozart at dinner] What do you think of Mr. Mozart, Exeter? Exeter: I'm afraid I don't know the chap.
Tom Servo: "I'm not an alien!" Exeter: My mind must have been wandering. Your composer, of course. Cal Meecham: *Our* composer - he belongs to the world! Exeter: Yes, indeed.
Mike: "I'm not an alien." Cal Meecham: That dinner, Exeter, was even more perfect than you promised. Now if you'll excuse me, I could do with some fresh air myself.
Crow T. Robot: He's gonna get high! Cal Meecham: Would you care to join me, Dr. Adams?
Tom Servo: "Uh, no!" Cal Meecham: You, Dr. Carlson?
Mike: "Your turn to walk the Cal." Exeter: Why don't you? Show him the grounds.
Crow T. Robot: "I dare ya!" Exeter: We won't start cracking the whip on Meecham until tomorrow.
Tom Servo: "Then I ram my ovipositor down your throat, and lay my eggs in your chest! But I'm *not* an alien!"
Mike: Boy, the landlady's gonna be mad.
Tom Servo: Are you boys cooking up there?
Mike: No.
Tom Servo: Are you making an interositor?
Mike: No!
Monday, April 21, 2008
My weekend and Soap Boxes
Ok First off Rachel, the only reason I am posting today is because of your remark about it being 4 days. Ok with that out of the way , this weekend was great. On Thursday of last week I got to have dinner with a friend of mine whom I haven’t seen in forever! It was a blast we talked about old times and brought each other up to speed on where we are at in our lives now. I am still riding the high from that night. It’s amazing how you can pick up where you left off over a decade ago. I look forward to many more good times with him and hope we can get our good friendship back.
Friday night was a blast as well. It was couples night and we had a new couple join us. It was a great time with games and food and Amy telling everyone she got knocked up again. Way to go Dan! On Saturday I went to the church to get things ready for Sunday when I struck up a conversation with a guy I go to church with. We talked about history mainly but I feel the roots of a friendship were planted. I sure hope so. After that my mom and dad came out to the house to spend time with Glenna, they are completely head over heels for her. Then came Sunday, Church was awesome, Pastors message was great as usual, but I have found something that really bothers me. Talking/whispering during the message!!! Call me old but I think that is the biggest sigh of disrespect one can have. We are taught when we are little that we are not to be talking when ever someone else is talking, so why is it any different to do it while the pastor is preaching? I see it this way and I have told the Jr. Highers in my former youth group this exact thing “ I do not put pastors on a pedestal. They are mere humans just like I am, they are no closer to God than any of us, BUT they do bring the message of God to us and when we talk and do other things during their message we are not only disrespecting then we are also disrespecting God as well.” Ok I am now stepping off of my soap box! I hope you all have a gooooood week and Look out for my Crazy Grandma Fridays…oh this is gonna be fun!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Spring time brings out the crazy in everyone
AH it’s that time of year again, time for the grass to start turning green, the trees to start budding, the temperature getting warmer and my grandmother getting a police escort down her street. What’s that you say? Grandma getting a police escort? Welcome once again the randomness that is my life.
Let me start off by giving you a little background on my grandmother, When my mom was a child my grandmother was abusive, she often tried to kill all of her kids, and no one knew why. Many years later my grandma was diagnosed with schizophrenia and Bi-polar disease. The doctors ended up putting her on some pretty potent medicine. The side effects of this medicine were not know until the last about 10 years. This stuff has made my grandma nuttier then squirrel poop( but in a good and funny way). Ok so now that I have set the background somewhat let me tell you what happened this weekend. On Sunday my grandmother was supposed to go eat lunch with her sister and her mother when she got a call from my Uncle Dave who happens to be the Lt. Chief of police in Lawrence (where my grandmother lives) he told her that she is going to see a bunch of police cars outside her house and to NOT go outside under any circumstance, Well the time came for my grandma to go eat and she was worried that her sister wouldn’t wait for her or that she would get confused so what does my grandma do? She gets ready and goes outside to look for her sister. Upon doing this a policeman promptly ran up to her and told her to go back inside because there was a guy across the street trying to kill his wife and steal there kids. But my grandma refused. The poor officer was trying to get her back into the house when she played the ultimate trump card..She said” My son is Lt. David Cobb and I will not be treated like this” when the cop asked “who” My grandma replied “Lt.David Cobb your boss now let me got to lunch with my sister.” So the police called the chief in who in turn had to call my uncle for verification. And when all was said and done my grandmother was escorted by the police to her sister’s car so she wouldn’t miss lunch.
I feel so sorry for my poor uncle Dave. He is going to get the ball busting of a lifetime today at work. If your ever interested in more of these stories..let me know I have a whole bunch of them. Many of them are the reasons my mom is embarrassed to show her face in Lawrence.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
So here is what is happening in my world lately. As you probably read in my previous post I have had a bit of car trouble. Well hopefully those problems are solved. I got a new car yesterday, a 1991 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight Elite. This car is awesome. It is DEFINATLY pimp mobile # 2. My wife drives a 1990 olds Ninety-Eight Regency broughm , Hers has a white exterior with red button and tuck leather interior. Mine is maroon with red leather. I am currently working on building a fleet of pimp mobiles. So that way when someone says their car broke down I can say hey you wanna drive a pimp mobile? And they can be all like Heck yeah.
As far as our house search is going we are really starting to talk about a few in general. It still is very exciting to be looking at these houses, I finally feel all grown up and fully independent. In other news I have been having a real hard time lately with loneliness. I know I am ALWAYS around people here at work and my wife and daughter at home but I still feel lonely. I don’t know why. I think a lot of it has to do with my lack of friends, Growing up there was always 4 of us. Scott, Ric, Paul and Myself. We did EVERYTHING together. But as time has gone on we have all moved away from each other. Flash forward to now, Same situation- I have some friends now Paul and Dan who I feel like I did around the fab 4 from high school. But it seems like the same scenario is starting to play out again. When Dan moved up to the city I had a feeling things would change, and they have. The one thing I used to look forward to was knowing I was going to get that phone call from Dan saying I’m bored and I’m coming over to play xbox ( that was a regular occurrence). I loved that fact that Dan could not sit still for 5 minutes he always had to be doing something which made it to where I always had to be doing something. Now I have nothing to do. Paul on the other hand lives like 5 miles away. I think him and I have a lot in common but I am always afraid to call him to see if he would like to hang out. He works this crazy schedule and I don’t want to take away from anytime he has to spend with Rachel and Nathan, so every time I think about calling I don’t because I don’t want to make anyone mad. So here I am. I am lonely. I don’t really know what to do about it but all I know is that it sucks, but I guess that’s just life huh.
I find myself wondering how people who don’t know Jesus deal with this stuff. I mean although I am lonely I know that atleast I still have Jesus and that is an awesome feeling!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Cars, Houses and all kinds of crap
So here is an update on what is going on with me lately, Two weeks ago my father in-law and I drove all they way to beautiful Springdale Arkansas to get me a car we found on the internet. It was a 1994 Pontiac Bonneville it was only $1600!! And it looked great. So we embarked on our journey which was the longest amount of time him and I have spent together alone and it was fun. Four hours later we arrive at our destination. We look at the car and it’s not in quite as good of shape as we thought, but it still looked decent for the price. We took it for a test drive and noticed a noise in the wheel area and thought a CV joint was going out, I figured I could fix that with no problem due to how cheap the car was. So it finally came down to whether or not I was going to buy it I wrestled back in forth between yes and no before finally deciding yes. We started our trip back home with my Father in-law driving my “new car” and when we stopped to eat lunch he told me it wasn’t shifting into overdrive. I was immediately angry and he calmed me down telling me he thought it was just a sensor that had gone out and it probably wouldn’t be REAL expensive to fix. So we got it home and scheduled a time for the mechanic to look at it. He called us two days later with some news, He said the CV joint wasn’t out it was just a loose piece of metal and he fixed that. SWEET!! And then came the bombshell..the transmission was bad and he said looking at the car putting in a new transmission wouldn’t be worth it.
So here I am with a car I just paid $1600 for and I am being told it’s worthless. My father in law told me that since he doesn’t drive much that he would take my car and let me use his car as a work car. Flash forward to 2 days ago, I get a call at work from Brooke asking me if her dad had called me, I said no why? She then proceeded to tell me that the car had died on him. It was completely out of oil which it shouldn’t have been seeings how he just changed the oil a couple days before. So now on top of that the engine is blown as well and we had to tow it home on Monday. I hate cars!
On another note Brooke and I are starting to look at buying a house in Ottawa. We really don’t want to live in the city but it’s the best option for us right now. Our plan is to buy a house live there fir 5 to 10 years and when the housing market is back up again, Sell it and build our own house on some land that was given to us. It has been exciting though looking at homes and trying to figure out what we can afford. I will be sure to keep you posted on what we find!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I'm just trying to be like everyone else
So everyone else I know is posting music stuff on their blogs So me not being one that want’s to be left off the bandwagon I am going to do the same. I wrote this song about a year and a half ago when I was feeling pretty down and I was fighting battles I didn’t think I could win and I finally just gave it up and let God take it. The Song is called one left standing and it will be on my band’s new Cd when we are done mastering it.
something has happened to me/but everything’s the same
born into new life/everything has changed/
demons swirling around my head/
tearing my inside/can’t take anymore, my God, hear my cry/
save me/from this life I’m living/
save me/let me know I’m forgiven/
You take this fight from me/when I try I fail
Holy Spirit rescue me/pull me from this hell
I feel the Spirit in me/I’ve found a place to hide
my God/my Refuge/my God/
save me/from this life I’m living/save me/let me know I’m forgiven/save me/from this life I’m living/save me/let me know I’m forgiven
Copyright 2006 Dead Now Rise
I still get to this point almost everyday. And I still use this as my prayer.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Weddings and such
Have you ever been in a state of mind where all you can seem to do is think? I don’t mean like what are you going to have for dinner thinking, I’m talking about deep thinking and good ol’ soul searching. Well I was in one of those moods yesterday. It all started when Brooke and I along with the rest of her family went to a wedding for her cousin Ryan. We arrived at the venue , a real upscale golf clubhouse, we walked into the area where the wedding was to take place and immediately my mind flashed back my wedding. I started to really remember how awesome that day was, how beautiful Brooke looked and as I was thinking about that I looked over and saw my Brother in law Caleb and his fiancée Jenny. I got excited for them, their wedding is in July and I could see the excitement in their eyes as they looked upon the ceremony. It brought a few tears to my eyes. And as I sat there almost crying I heard those two words that put me over the edge …….OPEN BAR! Holy crap I was in heaven. I haven’t been to an open bar reception in alooooong time. Don’t worry I didn’t go over bored I only had two beers which is good for me. Trust me If you knew me back in the day 2 beers are nothing…I hooked you and then I reeled you in ..I am awesome!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Just trying to tick off the locals
Here is something you might not know about me. I’m sad to say but I am a vindictive person. Let me explain, I am a country person, I grew up in a small town, I have never lived in the “big city” so my outlook on things might be a bit skewed. As most of you know I live in a little town called Princeton, Well on my road there are a grand total of 5 houses all about a ¼ mile apart from each other. I get along with every person on my street except for two. The old people just down the road. It may sound a little politically incorrect for me to call them old people but I have lived here for 6 years and I don’t even know their names PLUS we live in America I can say what ever I want and If me calling them old people has offended you in some way? Then you need to hit yourself in the head with a tack hammer. Sorry I got off track. So these two people have decided they just do not like me. So I took it upon myself to find out why. Is it because I am a young person and young people are the spawns of Satan? Or is it because of the following…
A little after a year of living Princeton my wife bought me a wonderful birthday present. She took me out to a farm and let me pick out a puppy. I had a dog when I was a kid and I loved that thing so much but then it got carried away by an owl (that is a completely different story) Well seeing how we lived in the country I believed my wonderful new puppy dog would be just fine off of a leash. Well one day while I was sitting at home I got a phone call from then neighbors down the road I didn’t get to the phone in time so I let the machine get it and I heard this little old lady screaming into the phone that my dog was at her house and I needed to come get it right now and she sounded angry. So I hop in the car drive down there and pick up Hershey. She met me at the front door and was all smiles and happy go lucky and told me how beautiful my dog was and how it wasn’t a problem for her to be down there. That ticked me right off, but I smiled and took my dog back to my house. Well this whole scenario played itself out 3 or 4 more times that fall.
Christmas 2003, Brooke and I are heading back from my parents house, we are heading down the road and what do I see?? The neighbor’s dog in my yard. My mind started thinking of the joy I was going to get calling them and telling them to come get their dog, but when we pulled in the drive he ran back, and I noticed we had a much bigger problem. The neighbors dog had some how broke into our barn and got my dog ALL KINDS OF KNOCKED UP…I was very, very angry. I wanted to march down there and punch that dog right in the mommy and daddy button, but I refrained I decided that I would be more tactful with my payback, so every 4th of July , New years Eve, Or anytime I feel like it really I ….well I shoot things at their house. Now let me clarify. I don’t shoot bullets or anything I shoot blank loads nothing but black powder. I make booms loud enough to shake their walls and rattle their windows. I shoot everything from my colt .45 revolver to my dad’s ½ scale field artillery canon. Does this make me a bad person? I personally think I am venting my anger in a completely normal and unpsychotic way although I think most Dr’s would say otherwise. Well Sorry for the rambling and really the stupidity of this whole thing..
Monday, March 10, 2008
Come home running
Life is truly amazing. I am starting to finally figure out that most people are inherently good. The same people who make you angry are the very same people who make you smile and laugh. I have been an a roller coaster lately with people in general. It seems like every once in a while I lose who I am. I sometimes get confused with life causing me to lose my “identity” . A lot of the time I’m good, I’m happy, smiling and just being myself, And then there are days where I don’t know anything. This is that part that amazes me. On those days when I feel like I am lost and no one understands me I have always found comfort in the arms of Jesus. I look at all of my friends who are constantly saying they are searching for something but they just don’t know what it is and I just want to yell” LOOK AT JESUS, HE’S RIGHT THERE”, but ultimately I don’t. I don’t know whether it’s a fear of being laughed at or what but I seem to always back down. Here are some lyrics to one of my favorite Chris Tomlin songs. I want to play this for everyone of my friends who are still searching..
Oh heart of mine, why must you stray?
From one so fair you run away
And one more time you have to pay
The heaviness of needless shame
Oh heart of mine, come back home
You've been too long out on your own
And He's been there all along
Watching for you down the road
So come home running
His arms are open wide
His name is JesusHe understands
He is the answerYou are looking for
So come home running
Just as you are
Oh child of God so dearly loved
And ransomed by the Savior's blood
And called by name, "daughter" and "son"
Wrapped in the robe of righteousness
The words of this song ring so true in our everyday lives, we can always come home running and that is what makes this life amazing!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
You wanted more? You got it!!
HOLY CRAP!!!!! Ok now that I have gotten that out of the way let’s being another journey into my weird mind. It has been a little while since I have updated this and a lot has gone on. First Off, the serious stuff, It seems that over the past few weeks Satan has really been poking me. It seems he is liking bringing up my past to make me feel like less of a Christian. Not that my past was overly bad or anything, I mean I drank a lot when I was younger. I thought that was so cool. I sometimes ran with some questionable people but I never got into any real trouble, but it seems Satan wants to attack me in that part of my life because even though I was doing all of those things I was still professing to be a Christian. I would even go as far as judging other Christians for the way they acted like I was the soul judge of them and what I was doing was ok. I know a few of these types of “judging people” today and I can’t believe I used to do that. But In the past few days I have really seen God pull me back to his side, It’s amazing how much he loves us and how much he wants us to be ok. Whew! Now that I got that of off my chest..Onto the crazy!!!
We had our annual AWANA clubs grand prix last Saturday, that was a blast! It was unbelievable how much time and creativity those kids put into making those cars. But there was one kid out of them all that got me to laugh, and that would be Chas. Let me give you a little background on this kid, let me start off by saying I love this kid! He is by far my favorite kid in AWANA’s. He reminds me so much of myself at his age, for example, He always wants to go hang out with the older kids EVERY week, he begs and begs every Wednesday. One day there wasn’t that many kids at AWANA so we decided that it would be ok for him to go with the older kids. He was so excited. So he left and not even 2 minutes later here he comes waltzing back into the room. I asked him why he was back and he said “it was boring over there” which proves my theory that the older we get the more boring we are to everyone else. Ok now that you now some about Chas let me tell you why he made me laugh at the grand prix. I saw him walk in trying to look all cool ( like most guys really, because that’s what we do) he had his car that he made in hand and went over to the check in area. I noticed a slight look of fear come upon his face as the people at the check in looked at his car, and while it did make weight they were worried about the rather large tube he had mounted on the top of his car. They took it to the track and made sure that it would be able to pass under the finish line thing and it did, but little did we know that wouldn’t matter. After what seemed like a life time it was finally his turn, I was excited to see how his car preformed, I watched as he drew to see what lane he was in and saw a little excitement as he lined his car up on the track and walked to the end to wait to see how his car would fair. The starter pulled the rope releasing the cars and there they went screaming down the ramp to the straight away heading for the finish, Well everyone’s car except for Chas. His car made it all the way down the ramp and just stopped, Poor kid I thought, but just like any other man he laughed the first time making it look like it didn’t bother him. But the bad thing is that this happened 4 more times and by the last one he was a little ticked. I felt so bad for him but I couldn’t help but laugh.
Ok so I have a couple of things before I sign out….
To the people driving 50mph in the blessed wal-mart parking lot last night. I HATE WAL-MART..I DON’T REALLY WANT TO DIE THERE OK? Slow the heck down!!!!
To the cart pushers at wal-mart, yeah I know there is a place to put my cart, and I know it is only like 2 rows over , but If I walk all the way over there how does that help you learn how to work for your money? I mean do you want to push carts your whole lives? You see it’s people like me who make you quit the job your at to find something better…so Stop complaining,
And Finally to the girl in front of me at wal-mart check out # 3 last night…PULL YOUR FRIGGIN PANTS UP.. you are not from the ghetto , you are from Franklin County…Act like it. I get so Tired of seeing your butt. Trust me it’s not a nice one either, maybe you should worry about getting some new teeth, since the ones you have decided to leave your mouth.
Sorry for all of that I told you I was going to bring the crazy!!!!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Well....this is because of rachel
Well another chapter in my crazy life. I was reading Rachel’s blog this morning about how her and Paul met, and it got me to thinking about how Brooke and I met almost 10 years ago(WOW!). It was the fall of 1999. I was going to college at Jccc. I was going to take my required classes and then proceed to Manhattan Christian College to study youth ministry or at least that was the plan. One night I was playing around on the internet on a website called Collegeclub.com. On there you could do really extensive searches to see who was online. So I figured heck I’m bored, I’ll give it a shot. So I started to filter, First who was online in the state of Kansas. Woah that was a bunch of people, So I narrowed it down to people from Jccc, Still a lot of people, So I filtered down one more time to people online with a religion major. There was one person online, angel021780. I figured I’d just say hello and that would be the end of it. Well after awhile we got to where we Im’d all the time and emailed each other everyday. She told me she lived in Ottawa Ks, and I was that’s not far away at all! So she sent me a picture so I could actually see what she looked like..yeah she’s a hottie. Then the big night came. Thanksgiving 1999, After dinner I was hanging out with my best friend Scott when I got a telephone call, It was Brooke, She asked me if I would like to go see a move that night. I said yes but could I bring my friend along? (Just incase she turned out to be a dude) . We saw the legend of sleepy hollow. The date went well there are a lot of funny stories about that date, you can get those from Brooke, I’m to embarrassed to tell them. I did know one thing following that date……I met the woman I was going to marry.
Promptly after that It seemed like everything was like a whirlwind, we went on all kinds of dates and I met all of her crazy friends and she met mine. My mother kept telling me I had to marry this girl she was the best thing that had ever happened to me. And boy was she right. On Christmas eve of 2000 I asked Brooke to marry me, She said yes and we both cried ( I know I’m a Puss) We got married on September 15th 2001. We lived in Gardner Ks for a year, then we moved to Princeton where we have been ever since. All in all on this valentines day I guess I just want to say how thankful I am for my Wife and I love her so much!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Things that tick me off
These are some things that tick me off. I know some of them might be shallow but hey, I don’t care. They are as follows.
People who drive slow in the fast lane. Ok people IT’S THE FAST LANE FOR A REASON…GET THE CRAP OUT OF MY WAY!!!
People who don’t know when to shut up. Sometime’s I get tired of hearing about your family, your latest doctor’s visit, your dogs bowel movements, or “10,000” things you have to do today.
People who have different opinions then I do.. I mean I am the voice of reason, I know everything and you should agree.
People who think they know everything. Well I guess that includes me if you count the statement above.
Safety videos, Not the videos themselves just the fact that that their old..I think congress passed a law that prohibited the making of safety videos after 1974.
People who insist on comparing kids. I don’t have any friends that do this but I have some co-workers that do, and I want to punch them.
People who don’t discipline their kids. Ok this nation has a HUGE problem with the over crowding of prisons, I bet if you talked to most of those prisoners 80% of them would say they had never been spanked or as my father would say got a whoopin,
People who won’t take accountability for anything, If you make a friggin mistake OWN UP TO IT. STOP BLAMING IT ON EVERYONE ELSE..
That stupid head on commercial!
Girls that think there hot when they are not! I know a couple of these.
WAL-MART-This place is all that is wrong with America. It’s employees are under paid the owner also owns the Kansas City Royals and they are underpaid.. I see a trend among the Glass family. On top of that the stores are nappy most of the products aren’t worth the price they sell it for. I do believe that when the anti-Christ takes on human form it will be as a wal-mart greeter….the last person you would suspect…
Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips but then deny Him by their lifestyle. I am one of those. It seems on Sundays I go to church I get energized and I leave and fall right back into the same routine. I can’t help but be mad at myself, as a Christian I am called to spread the word of Jesus and all that seems to come out of my mouth is bad stuff. There is a lot I need to change about myself in this category, and yes the above was a Quote from a DCtalk song.
Friday, February 8, 2008
My Friends
I have been thinking. I know insert joke here, but honestly I have been thinking a lot about my friends lately. I feel blessed to have the friends I have. I have so many reasons to feel this way that I have decided to put them in a blog YEA!!! This my not be interesting reading but hey it help’s me. First off my wife, Brooke is my absolute #1 best friend. She loves me despite of my many imperfections(and believe me there are many) and she makes me laugh. I know I take her for granted a lot but I thank God that I get to wake up next to her every morning. Daniel, he is pretty much a brother to me. We have been through a lot together I am going to miss him a bunch when he moves. Amy his wife, Amy is a one of a kind person, she genuinely cares about everyone, She is so awesome plus she put’s up with me everyday. Scott, is the best best friend I could ever ask for, we have been there for each other through all the good time’ and bad and we have gotten through them together. Carly his wife, She is the perfect match for him. She is such a blessing to me as well, she is a great friend and I’m so happy I can call her that. Paul B, what can I say. Even though I know everyone is but Paul feels like my true brother in Christ. We have grown in the faith together and I am so proud of him and proud that I’m lucky enough to call him a friend. Amy , his wife. She is a wonderful person and DEFINATLY an answer to prayer. She is a genuine person who wants to help everyone, you’re awesome in my book!! Paul R, he was my very first friend when we moved to Ottawa. We haven’t done much lately and I miss that. I need to start doing more with him, even if it’s just hanging out and watching t.v. Rachel his wife, she is a great person she is unique in a good way. She is defiantly her own person and that’s what I like the most. And finally my four brother’s Chris is my real brother, we had a rough few years there but we are good now and I love that guy more then he will probably ever know. Rueben is one of my brother in laws, He is a great person and I love having him as a brother he makes things fun. Caleb another brother in law is extremely talented and I am so happy for him to be getting married. Seth, I think is the most like myself he is a sensitive guy and he is blast to hang around with. If I left you off of this list it was solely by accident I love all of you and I consider you all friends.
Monday, February 4, 2008
This is what happens when I'm bored Part II
So here is me being bored part II
01. Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit"-I think the Beatles said it best when they sang…”Happiness is a warm gun bang, bang shoot , shoot.
02. U2 "One"- Hello I’m Bono and every time I clap my hands a starving orphan dies…STOP CLAPPING YOUR HANDS JERKWEED
03. Backstreet Boys "I Want It That Way"-I bet everyone in that band DOES want it that way *wink* *wink*
04. Whitney Houston "I Will Always Love You"-Oh boy I hope she wasn’t singing this for Bobby Brown. Awkward!!!
05. Madonna "Vogue".-Hey everyone I’m like 80 and into cabala and I think I’m still sexy. WRONG!!!!!!!!!
06. Sir Mix-A-Lot "Baby Got Back"-A song all about butts huh? I’m just surprised that some woman didn’t write a song about wieners…dang feminists
07. Britney Spears "...Baby One More Time"-soooooooo many things to say but sooooooooo little time, I get this song confused with ”Smack my Bi*ch up” I think they go hand in hand.
08. TLC"Waterfalls"-Huh the L in TLC is Dead. I guess she stopped chasing water falls………I KNOW I’M BAD
09. R.E.M. "Losing My Religion"-See Sinead O’Connor ß about losing your religion
10. Sinéad O'Connor "Nothing Compares 2 U"-Good idea…rip up a picture of the pope on SNL. Well I’m not catholic but I’m pretty sure she is going to hell..
11. Pearl Jam "Jeremy"-What a lovely story about a boy getting picked on and then killing everyone….warms the cockles of my heart.
12. Alanis Morissette "You Oughta Know"- I’m still waiting for her to tell me what I ought to know.
13. Dr. Dre (featuring Snoop Doggy Dogg) "Nuthin' but a "G" Thang"-I don’t know what a G thing is…but apparently it aint nuttin but that
14. Mariah Carey "Vision of Love"-She’s pretty
15. Red Hot Chili Peppers "Under the Bridge"-the Irony of this song is that my copy actually ended up under the bridge…BECAUSE IT SUCKED…
16. MC Hammer "U Can't Touch This"-STOP……………………………………………………………………………………HAMMER TIME
17. Destiny's Child "Say My Name"-Oh that’s beyonce and uh those other two chicks
18. Metallica "Enter Sandman"-One of the top 4 metal songs from the top metal band EVER PERIOD!!
19. Beastie Boys "Sabotage"-Every time I heard this song I wanted to absolutely wanted to punch someone.I’m noticing a trend here.
20. Hanson "MMMBop"-Vary talented group. I can’t stand them but their talented.
21. Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On"-If I ever see her in public….I will play that stupid friggin song and then punch her in the face while yelling “WILL YOUR HEART GO ON NOW?”
22. Beck "Loser"-This song made absolutely no sense, Kind of like the rest of the 90’s. It should be ranked higher then 22.
23. Salt-N-Pepa with En Vogue "Whatta Man"-WOW Another song about me….i’m liking this
24. House of Pain "Jump Around"-This was the entrance music to the Tag team champs of the LCW House of pain…there ya go Paul!
25. Soundgarden "Black Hole Sun"- Grunge at it’s finest. I miss the flannel shirts and long hair…….ok not really
26. Eminem "My Name Is"-Who doesn’t like this song…”Hi kids do you like violence? You wanna see me stick nine inch nails through each one of my eye lids? “ How could you not love lyrics like those
27. Counting Crows "Mr. Jones"-One of the best show’s I have ever seen, and when they sang this song everyone sang with it *chills*
28. Ricky Martin "Livin' la Vida Loca"-If Queer’s had a poster boy….this guy is it
29. Vanilla Ice "Ice Ice Baby"-I actually had my hair cut like him for awhile and I can STILL sing that whole song……I know it’s sad.
30. *NSYNC "Tearin' Up My Heart"-I hate boy bands……yuck
31. Radiohead "Creep"-Ah yes..9th grade….I miss Mr.Mcllean
32. BLACKstreet "No Diggity"-Pardon what I’m about to ask…WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN???
33. Spice Girls "Wannabe"-I tell you what I want what I really really want……EVERY SPICE GIRL DEAD…..uh heh
34. Third Eye Blind "Semi-Charmed Life"-I like the song but I was dating a girl named Stacey when this was popular so it has a lot of horrible memories ..Paul, Scott you remember her right?
36. C+C Music Factory "Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)"-Mar…….You mean this isn’t marky mark? Huh?!
37. Green Day "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)"-This song came out my senior year, I remember hearing it right after our final football game and all of us seniors were crying. That was only one of two times I cried in front of a bunch of dudes.
38. Christina Aguilera "Genie In A Bottle"-You know it would be to easy to poke fun at Christina, but in all honesty compared to Brittney now a days. Christina is NORMAL!
39. Goo Goo Dolls "Iris"-Good song…and that’s pretty much it
40. Color Me Badd "I Wanna Sex You Up" –Have you seen the lead singer for this band lately?? He’s creepy . he’s all big and looks like the lead singer for smashmouth
41. Spin Doctors "Two Princes"-Bunch of 90’s pot smoking hippies……..great song though
42. Collective Soul "Shine"-This is the most under appreciated song of the 90’s by far. I mean come on…duh duh duhduhduh duhduh duh YEAH
43. En Vogue "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)"-Hated it
44. The Fugees "Killing Me Softly With His Song"-Two names Layran and Wyclef Unbelievable
45. Hootie & the Blowfish "Only Wanna Be With You"-This is the best sounding white boy I have ever heard .WHAT??? HE’S BLACK?
46. Shania Twain "You're Still the One"-I couldn’t stand country so this one automatically goes into the sucks category.
47. Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch "Good Vibrations"- Yes the pre boogie night’s Mark Warburg…amazingly still the same….
48. Matchbox Twenty "3 AM”- This song reminds me yet again of going to Lawrence with Paul…Ahh the red and white truck…
49. Jewel "Who Will Save Your Soul"-You know she is hot until you see her crazy tooth…
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
This is what happens when I'm bored!!!!
Man I’m starting to feel old. I was watching TV a few days ago when I ran across vh1’s TOP 100 SONG’S OF THE 90’s. As I sat there and stared at this program that basically relived my childhood I noticed some songs automatically triggered memories to some of the stuff that was going on in my life when they were popular. So I’m going to have some fun and give my own commentary on all 100 songs…we will start with 100-50…
50. Alice in Chains "Man in the Box"- Yeah wasn’t a big fan of AIC. I can’t stand that man’s voice
51. Tupac (featuring Dr. Dre and Roger Troutman) "California Love"- Ahhhh yeah…This was off the hook I love me some Tupac.
52. Sugar Ray "Fly"- I used to think Mark Mcgrath’s name was sugar ray. This song always reminds me of summertime and I don’t know why.
53. Naughty by Nature "O.P.P."-To be honest I really don’t remember this one all to well.
54. Joan Osborne "One of Us"-I always thought her voice sounded a lot like Jill Ferguson’s , I was pissed when they said Joan’s nose ring was fake.
55. Fiona Apple "Criminal"- WHAT AN F’D UP WOMAN THIS WAS…
56. L.L. Cool J "Mama Said Knock You Out"-Yeah Mr.Cool J was awesome…I’m gonna knock you out…momma said knock you out….
57. Jay-Z featuring Amil and Ja Rule "Can I Get A..."-I was working for my dad’s pizza place as a delivery driver when this song came out..I blared it through the streets of good ol’ Basehor.
58. Sophie B. Hawkins "Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover"…I,I,I got nothing
59. Weezer "Buddy Holly"-This was one of the best bands of the 90’s in my book…I think the sweater song was better though
60. Bell Biv DeVoe "Poison"-NEVER TRUST A BIG BUTT AND A SMILE!! Words to live by
61. Sheryl Crow "All I Wanna Do"-All I wanna do is….SHUT THE CRAP UP!!!!
62. Live "I Alone"-I got the chance to see these guys twice…they are FABULOUS!!!!
63. The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Mase & Puff Daddy "Mo Money Mo Problems"-That’s the truth isn’t it?? I mean I’m poor and I have no problems….wait that’s not right.
64. The Presidents of the United States of America "Peaches"-one of the most under rated bands of the 90’s, their songs had no meaning whatsoever but they were catch as all get out.
65. Digital Underground "The Humpty Dance"-That fact that the song has the lyrics “Do me baby” In it makes this a great song…..
66. Edwin McCain "I'll Be"-Have you ever seen this guy? He look’s like a hippe and a Grunge rocker made a baby…but the song was ok..It reminds me of high school dances in the cafeteria. 67. Deee-Lite "Groove Is In The Heart"—I really didn’t do drugs so this song had no meaning to be
68. Will Smith "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It"-IT’S F’ING WILL SMITH WHAT DO YOU THINK?
69. Korn "Freak on a Leash"- That was some goooood music right there. It was a sound we had really never heard before.
70. Jamiroquai "Virtual Insanity"-I’m not gay
71. Arrested Development "Tennessee"-I think I was in like 8th Grade when this came out so I liked it…
72. Barenaked Ladies "One Week"-This song still bothers me…what the heck was he saying when he was singing fast…The only part I ever got was chckata Chinese the Chinese chicken……. 73. Marcy Playground "Sex and Candy"-I remember listening to this song and driving to Lawrence with Paul….Probably to do something stupid.
74. Cher "Believe"-How come someone hasn’t killed her yet? 75. Kris Kross "Jump"-Yeah there is a good fashion statement..Hey kids where all of your clothes backwards and you will be cool!! 76. Blues Traveler "Run-Around"-This song was WAY over played, It was good at first then got REAL old.
77. Ice Cube "It Was a Good Day"---It was a good day wasn’t it?
78. Lenny Kravitz "Are You Gonna Go My Way"-nothin
79. Meredith Brooks "Bitch"-I bet she really was a bitch…..
80. Right Said Fred "I'm Too Sexy"- This song was actually about me…but I didn’t want to brag so they left me out..
81. Paula Cole "I Don't Want to Wait"-Two words….DAWSONS CREEK…Watch me slit my wrists
82. Geto Boys "Mind Playing Tricks on Me"
83. The Breeders "Cannonball" I don’t remember these 3 songs
84. Snow "Informer"
85. Cypress Hill "Insane In The Brain"- I remember sitting in Brian Quisenberrys bed room listening to this song because my parents wouldn’t let buy the cd..FAT BOY ON A DIET DON’T TRY IT I’LL TUCK YOU’RE A** LIKE A LOOTER IN A RIOT…AH THE GOOD TIMES.
86. The Cranberries "Linger"-This chicks voice scared the living crap out of me. I thought she was going to come through my radio at night and kill me….
87. Billy Ray Cyrus "Achy Breaky Heart"-Thank God for the Achy Breaky Hair Mistakey
88. Duncan Sheik "Barely Breathing"-Huh that’s how I felt after listening to this piece of crap ( IRONY )
89. Liz Phair "Never Said"-Never heard this song but she’s hot….
90. New Radicals "You Get What You Give"-I remember how cool I thought it was that this song mentioned Beck, Hanson, Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson..I was a complete tool.
91. Sarah McLachlan "Building a Mystery"-Lilith fair anyone??
92. Public Enemy "911 Is A Joke"-Not any more the FLAVA FLAAAAAAAAV .what a joke..
93. Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories "Stay"-Oh she made nerds HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
94. Fastball "The Way"- This was actually based on a real news article, what kind of messed up people would do this? Even better what kind of messed up people would write a song about it..
95. Montell Jordan "This is How We Do It"-you couldn’t go to a part in the 90’s without hearing that song
96. Nelson "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection"-No Comment
97. Prince & The New Power Generation "Gett Off"- It’s prince…..that means it’s good right? 98. EMF"Unbelievable"- For some reason this song ticks me off
99. Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott "The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)"
100. Gerardo "Rico Suave"- Oh this guy was a complete tool. I mean he thought he was actually talented……think again Rico….
I know these might seem weird the funnier ones will be 50-1 but hey I’m bored and this gave me something to pass the time so BACK OFF….
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
This is just to make some people happy!!
What a weekend ! First off Brooke and I met with some builders on Saturday, we got a quote for our new house and it looks like we might be in the new house late fall or early winter. I am so excited about this. Sunday was a fun day (sarcasm) I run the media at my church, and when I got there Sunday to check on everything I found out that the computer had crashed and we had to everything the old fashioned way…that’s right old school overhead projector. I really our church, the smallness of it and the quality of people you meet. Sunday night was bad…I got a touch of the flu..so it was like a mini battleground in my intestines…and the food lost. So that led to me calling in sick on Monday…which was awesome because I got to play NCAA College football ’08 on my xbox all day. The only bad part was I couldn’t hold my daughter because I was sick. Today has been better though, I am looking forward to just going home tonight and spending time with my wife and daughter. Oh random thought …I loves Kansas where else can it be 60 outside one day and snow on the ground the next..it really does tick me off. So anyway Amy I hope your happy now that I have posted today. I’m tired and ready to go home…..I’m out!
Friday, January 25, 2008
I got nothing
Wow what a day yesterday was. I got my first real test as a Customer service rep yesterday. I had to cover Suni’s desk since she was out all day. The day started out normal and quite. Then all hell broke loose. I had one customer call and was mad about his shipment going to the wrong place, and the freight carrier being wrong…that was the majority of my day. I had other issues to take care of as well, but it was worth it. I finally felt like I contributed something to my company, I haven’t had the feeling since I left the plant floor over 9 months ago. Dan and Amy came over last night it’s always nice to see them…we didn’t even do much but I think that’s a testament to our friendship, We don’t always have to do stuff sometimes we can just hang out. I am getting pretty excited about my friend Paul’s work schedule getting back to normal soon. I have a lot of respect for him, He has been working 12 hour days 6 days a week for the past couple of months and it’s almost over. When his schedule gets back to normal I see Brooke and myself doing quite a bit more with Paul and Rachel.(we miss doing stuff with them,). I got nostalgic last night and started reminiscing about my youth, I broke out my senior book for the first time in like 4 years.I was reading the crap I put in there and all I can say is …HOLY CRAP I WAS AN IDIOT..I’m pretty sure every single person that went to high school with me could attest to that. It’s amazing to look back and see how little you have actually grown upJ. Anyway back to reality Suni (FABULOUS) didn’t get me a Cal Ripken Jr. autograph yesterday….but I will forgive her for that. My buddy Terry isn’t at work today so it’s kind of quite……to quite. Well I guess I should actually do something today. Sorry everything is so random that’s just what my head is like!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Here, There and Everywhere
It’s been a good morning so far, my work load has been light to this point and the phones are semi-quite. I had band practice last night and that was awesome, I really do enjoy the time I get to spend with Josh, Jesse and Brandon. I miss Addison a lot though, for those of you who don’t know Addison was our original bass player who decided to leave the band a couple of months ago. Brooke and I visited our old church in Shawnee last Sunday, It was nice to see everyone again, some people didn’t even realize that we had a baby. But going back got me to thinking how much I don’t miss that place. I mean It seems like a lot of people I know are wanting to get out of the town they live in and go to somewhere bigger and better, But in my mind I just keep asking why? I guess it’s because I was the same way, before Brooke and I got married I had never lived outside of Tonganoxie and after 21 years I was ready to get the heck out and move to the “city”. So when Brooke and I first got married we moved to Gardner and I loved it, So much so that when the time came for us to move to Princeton I didn’t want to go, I remember saying our friends were up here our church is up here and our jobs are up here we would be stupid to leave. Well flash forward 5 years to today, where do I stand now? If I can fight it I will never live in the big city again. It took me awhile to get to the point of admitting that but I’m glad got there. Sure it was nice having everything close by and sure it nice to go get groceries right across the street, but I wasn’t happy. I didn’t know anyone in the apartments where we lived. We really didn’t do much with our friends even though they lived close. But none of that compares to a small town atmosphere. I love how people are just nice. Everyone says hello and well it’s just a feeling you can’t get in the city, Ok now that I have rambled on about that I want to close by saying Suni is feeling better…FABULOUS!! And Amy is driving me nuts. Oh and my best friend Scott Is a blowhole ( I’m not quite sure how insulting that is but is just fits him today) . Tune In later I might have some bitter diatribe toward women named Amy.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
So It’s 3:40pm and I’m still sitting here staring at my computer screen, I am bored out of my mind. I’m still confused on where the invoice I have been looking for all day is. I’m going to take a stab at it and say it is on my boss’s desk because that’s where they normally are. But I will ask her and she will say she doesn’t have it then I will go look again and again and again then it will magically show up on her desk, I think she has something against me. Oh well. Today has been one of those days. I really enjoy this place, I like the people I work with a lot. I think Terry, Suni and Richard are my favorite people here at Robbie. They make my day FABULOUS!! I am really loving being a dad, and I have to say my wife Brooke is the most amazing wife and mother, I know I don’t say it enough to her but she means the world to me. My daughter has got to be the cutest baby EVER!!!( I know I know I biased) It is just such an awesome feeling. Anyway off to my final hour of work before band practice.
As I sit here in my blue and gray nightmare that is my cubicle I can’t keep my mind from wondering, I think I have a rare form of adult A.D.D., I say rare because I can be doing one thing and as soon as someone says work I turn catatonic. So what is going through my head right at this very second? Well let’s see, I am hoping what ever is wrong with a co-worker of mine is ok, it hasn’t been the same these past couple of day’s. I hope Dan and Amy made a good decision about moving, why is it that every time I get a blessed e-mail at this place my computer has to beep. See I told you…this is what I have to put up with every stinking day!! Sometime’s my life feels like a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.
On a different note, I have finally become serious about losing my weight. It took a kick to the head for me to realize that I won’t be around long if I continue on this way, So I have decided to lose it, I am going to need so many prayers through this whole thing because this isn’t just a diet it is going to be a lifestyle change. Well that is the crazy that is my life today. In closing I would like to quote my brother in law Rueben. “I'm a paranoid dyslexic who can't get over the strange delusion that I'm following somebody...” That Just about sums me up!