Thursday, June 5, 2008

6 quirky things about me

Ok so I got tagged in a blog by Carrie, and now I have to blog about 6 quirky things about me. Oh this should be fun..

Here are the rules.* Link to the person who tagged you.* Mention the rules in your blog.* Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.* Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking to them.

Ok here we go..

1. I hate and I mean HATE when the bar of soap get’s thin. I will throw it away before it gets to the point of bending.

2. I think monkeys are evil. I mean come on they throw poo! Anything thing that throws poo is evil.

3. Every night before I go to bed I have to check every door in the house to make sure it is locked. I will not be able to sleep if I don’t do it. Sometimes I will check twice.

4. I like odd food combinations. Like cheese puffs,peanut butter and pickles all together. Or frozen pizza with bbq sauce ,garlic and parmesan cheese. Hey Carrie You have just seen the menu for our house on the 15th!

5. I could sit and watch stupid movies all day. I mean who couldn’t? I love stupid movies such as: dumb and dumber, Mystery science theatre 3000, Robin Hood Men In Tights, MONTY PYTHON AND THE SEARCH FOR THE HOLY GRAIL…you get my point.

6. If I lose something I will absolutely melt down. I hate losing things. I will throw things as I look and get madder and madder only to find it was in plain sight the whole time…I hate it when that happens to…

Well I hope this isn’t extremely boring..and I don’t have 6 people to tag.. So Rachel, TG that’s all I got.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Nice Napoleon quote!

And good job with the picture of the monkey! That was some nice formatting.

I am not eating cheetos with peanut butter. And did you know the Sunday we come over is Father's day? Is that still going to be good with you guys. It's not like Charlie and I have fathers to get together with...