Monday, May 5, 2008

New Friends

Where to begin. Friday that’s where. Friday was a bad day. I was so tired from the night before and all the crazy storms and our power going out that I was really dragging and it was hard to get anything done. Friday night Brooke and I went to couples night at Josh and Tara’s house and we had a blast. The food was out of this world and the the company was great…well everyone except for Amy..she has an attitude. We left there around 10ish I think and when we got home I went straight to bed. I slept 11 hours Friday night for the first time in 8 years…it was AWESOME.
Saturday was nice, I went to the church around 10:30 to get all the stuff done for the service on Sunday, then I went home and Brooke, Glenna and I spent the evening together with nothing to do. It was wonderful to just all be together. And then came Sunday. Church was great as usual and the potluck…holy cow. I love church potlucks the old lady’s in the church sure can cook. We got home around one and Brooke and Glenna took a nap. SO I went fishing, I don’t think the fish like me one bit. I didn’t catch one thing…that ticks me off. Sunday night Brooke and I went to dinner at Carrie and Charlie’s house. I have to admit I was REALLY nervous. I kind of get that way when meeting new people. But we had a blast!!! I felt like we had known them for years. I do have one admission to make though. On the way home Brooke and I felt bad. We felt like we talked about ourselves to much and Carrie if we did we apologize, we were just having a good time. We really want Carrie and Charlie and the kids to come out to our house sometime. I think we have a lot for the kids to get into. Two things before I go..One, I want to go play paintball if and when Charlie and the kids decide to go..I even have my own Gun! Two…If Carrie and Charlie ever plan on going to the zoo..I hope they let us know because Brooke and I might be up for a trip to the zoo sometime..I love having new friends!!!


carrie said...

so you were that nervous? I guess we were too, but that's always weird to hear someone else was.

And we totally didn't think you talked about yourself too much. Your stories were way more interesting than ours! You guys were cracking us up!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad we had the opportunity to have you over. You guys are welcome anytime and we look forward to doing it again. And you and I need to hook up sometime and watch some war documentaries!