Thursday, April 10, 2008


So here is what is happening in my world lately. As you probably read in my previous post I have had a bit of car trouble. Well hopefully those problems are solved. I got a new car yesterday, a 1991 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight Elite. This car is awesome. It is DEFINATLY pimp mobile # 2. My wife drives a 1990 olds Ninety-Eight Regency broughm , Hers has a white exterior with red button and tuck leather interior. Mine is maroon with red leather. I am currently working on building a fleet of pimp mobiles. So that way when someone says their car broke down I can say hey you wanna drive a pimp mobile? And they can be all like Heck yeah.
As far as our house search is going we are really starting to talk about a few in general. It still is very exciting to be looking at these houses, I finally feel all grown up and fully independent. In other news I have been having a real hard time lately with loneliness. I know I am ALWAYS around people here at work and my wife and daughter at home but I still feel lonely. I don’t know why. I think a lot of it has to do with my lack of friends, Growing up there was always 4 of us. Scott, Ric, Paul and Myself. We did EVERYTHING together. But as time has gone on we have all moved away from each other. Flash forward to now, Same situation- I have some friends now Paul and Dan who I feel like I did around the fab 4 from high school. But it seems like the same scenario is starting to play out again. When Dan moved up to the city I had a feeling things would change, and they have. The one thing I used to look forward to was knowing I was going to get that phone call from Dan saying I’m bored and I’m coming over to play xbox ( that was a regular occurrence). I loved that fact that Dan could not sit still for 5 minutes he always had to be doing something which made it to where I always had to be doing something. Now I have nothing to do. Paul on the other hand lives like 5 miles away. I think him and I have a lot in common but I am always afraid to call him to see if he would like to hang out. He works this crazy schedule and I don’t want to take away from anytime he has to spend with Rachel and Nathan, so every time I think about calling I don’t because I don’t want to make anyone mad. So here I am. I am lonely. I don’t really know what to do about it but all I know is that it sucks, but I guess that’s just life huh.
I find myself wondering how people who don’t know Jesus deal with this stuff. I mean although I am lonely I know that atleast I still have Jesus and that is an awesome feeling!


Anonymous said...

JUST CALL HIM! Despite my nagging, he's usually not doing anything anyways. I'd rather watch and listen to him play with someone else, than watch him play with himself.
(Hmm..... Akward wording.....)
Oh, and congratulations on your pimp mobile. Can't wait to see it.

carrie said...

I'm sure Charlie would love to hang out. He's not a video gamer but he can play a mean game of chess and talk history till your eyeballs turn to goo.

Loneliness sucks. It takes us forever to make friends.

Anonymous said...

So how 'bout we get together on one of these beautiful evenings and you and Paul watch the kids for an hour or so so that Brooke and I can go walk?