Friday, January 25, 2008

I got nothing

Wow what a day yesterday was. I got my first real test as a Customer service rep yesterday. I had to cover Suni’s desk since she was out all day. The day started out normal and quite. Then all hell broke loose. I had one customer call and was mad about his shipment going to the wrong place, and the freight carrier being wrong…that was the majority of my day. I had other issues to take care of as well, but it was worth it. I finally felt like I contributed something to my company, I haven’t had the feeling since I left the plant floor over 9 months ago. Dan and Amy came over last night it’s always nice to see them…we didn’t even do much but I think that’s a testament to our friendship, We don’t always have to do stuff sometimes we can just hang out. I am getting pretty excited about my friend Paul’s work schedule getting back to normal soon. I have a lot of respect for him, He has been working 12 hour days 6 days a week for the past couple of months and it’s almost over. When his schedule gets back to normal I see Brooke and myself doing quite a bit more with Paul and Rachel.(we miss doing stuff with them,). I got nostalgic last night and started reminiscing about my youth, I broke out my senior book for the first time in like 4 years.I was reading the crap I put in there and all I can say is …HOLY CRAP I WAS AN IDIOT..I’m pretty sure every single person that went to high school with me could attest to that. It’s amazing to look back and see how little you have actually grown upJ. Anyway back to reality Suni (FABULOUS) didn’t get me a Cal Ripken Jr. autograph yesterday….but I will forgive her for that. My buddy Terry isn’t at work today so it’s kind of quite……to quite. Well I guess I should actually do something today. Sorry everything is so random that’s just what my head is like!

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