Thursday, May 8, 2008

Last night....I made myself look usual.

So last night was the awana closing program. It was good to see all the kids decked out in their uniforms an awards they received. Everything was going well until it came to my part. I had been working for the past month or so on this slideshow in power point of all the pictures that were taken over the year. This was no small task seeings how I had never used power point before. Well needless to say I got it done. I ran through it twice before the program started and was really excited about how good it looked, fast forward to that point in the program. Pastor introduced me and told how long I had spent on this video and the lights went out. “Oh boy” I thought this is going to be awesome. I started the music, clicked the button to start the show and reclined to watch my masterpiece..but wait a minute, the music is going but why is the screen black? Panic starts to completely envelop me. What’s going on why am I here WHO AM I!! I finally realized I had the screen on blank up front so people couldn’t see me working. Whew…..let’s try this again. I hit start and DOH! It was on the last slide…so me trying to look professional take 3 . Finally I got it to go. And I think it looked ok, but then again I am biased.


carrie said...

it was fine. these things happen and most people are familiar with the headache that is technology.

Anonymous said...

I was excited to see it. But Nathan was doing the beginning of his "I'm ready to go to bed" fussiness. So we had to split. Sorry! I'm sur it was awesome - I know the music was, at least!