Wednesday, February 27, 2008

You wanted more? You got it!!

HOLY CRAP!!!!! Ok now that I have gotten that out of the way let’s being another journey into my weird mind. It has been a little while since I have updated this and a lot has gone on. First Off, the serious stuff, It seems that over the past few weeks Satan has really been poking me. It seems he is liking bringing up my past to make me feel like less of a Christian. Not that my past was overly bad or anything, I mean I drank a lot when I was younger. I thought that was so cool. I sometimes ran with some questionable people but I never got into any real trouble, but it seems Satan wants to attack me in that part of my life because even though I was doing all of those things I was still professing to be a Christian. I would even go as far as judging other Christians for the way they acted like I was the soul judge of them and what I was doing was ok. I know a few of these types of “judging people” today and I can’t believe I used to do that. But In the past few days I have really seen God pull me back to his side, It’s amazing how much he loves us and how much he wants us to be ok. Whew! Now that I got that of off my chest..Onto the crazy!!!
We had our annual AWANA clubs grand prix last Saturday, that was a blast! It was unbelievable how much time and creativity those kids put into making those cars. But there was one kid out of them all that got me to laugh, and that would be Chas. Let me give you a little background on this kid, let me start off by saying I love this kid! He is by far my favorite kid in AWANA’s. He reminds me so much of myself at his age, for example, He always wants to go hang out with the older kids EVERY week, he begs and begs every Wednesday. One day there wasn’t that many kids at AWANA so we decided that it would be ok for him to go with the older kids. He was so excited. So he left and not even 2 minutes later here he comes waltzing back into the room. I asked him why he was back and he said “it was boring over there” which proves my theory that the older we get the more boring we are to everyone else. Ok now that you now some about Chas let me tell you why he made me laugh at the grand prix. I saw him walk in trying to look all cool ( like most guys really, because that’s what we do) he had his car that he made in hand and went over to the check in area. I noticed a slight look of fear come upon his face as the people at the check in looked at his car, and while it did make weight they were worried about the rather large tube he had mounted on the top of his car. They took it to the track and made sure that it would be able to pass under the finish line thing and it did, but little did we know that wouldn’t matter. After what seemed like a life time it was finally his turn, I was excited to see how his car preformed, I watched as he drew to see what lane he was in and saw a little excitement as he lined his car up on the track and walked to the end to wait to see how his car would fair. The starter pulled the rope releasing the cars and there they went screaming down the ramp to the straight away heading for the finish, Well everyone’s car except for Chas. His car made it all the way down the ramp and just stopped, Poor kid I thought, but just like any other man he laughed the first time making it look like it didn’t bother him. But the bad thing is that this happened 4 more times and by the last one he was a little ticked. I felt so bad for him but I couldn’t help but laugh.

Ok so I have a couple of things before I sign out….

To the people driving 50mph in the blessed wal-mart parking lot last night. I HATE WAL-MART..I DON’T REALLY WANT TO DIE THERE OK? Slow the heck down!!!!
To the cart pushers at wal-mart, yeah I know there is a place to put my cart, and I know it is only like 2 rows over , but If I walk all the way over there how does that help you learn how to work for your money? I mean do you want to push carts your whole lives? You see it’s people like me who make you quit the job your at to find something better…so Stop complaining,

And Finally to the girl in front of me at wal-mart check out # 3 last night…PULL YOUR FRIGGIN PANTS UP.. you are not from the ghetto , you are from Franklin County…Act like it. I get so Tired of seeing your butt. Trust me it’s not a nice one either, maybe you should worry about getting some new teeth, since the ones you have decided to leave your mouth.

Sorry for all of that I told you I was going to bring the crazy!!!!!


carrie said...

So many comments I could make, but I'll limit myself.

1st: if they want people to put the carts in the corrals, they need to put more corrals out. For some reason they didn't all make it back out after they did the parking lot. I never put mine in one anymore because I feel it is unsafe for me to walk to ten-buck-two at 1:30 am to put my cart away. They need to suck it up.

When I was pregnant this last time I almost got run over after I got off work one night. One minute the street was clear and the next it wasn't. I was really scared after that. If it ever happens again, now that I'm not pregnant, I will chase them down and zap them with my stun master 2000. I'm not even kidding.

Chaz. He's got issues. There were many tears that night and promises never to return. I don't know what to do with that kid most of the time. I'm glad someone there likes him. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

No.... Tell me how you REALLY feel about WalMart. :P
And I am totally guilty on the "judging Christian" thing. Pride is a major problem for me. And tell Chaz that he's in good company with cars that sucked it up on the racetrack.... Mine looked pretty cool (a hot dog one year, and an ear of corn the next), but couldn't drive worth a hoot.

Anonymous said...

When I saw that you commented, I figured you were going to say "it IS a nice butt".... In your "FABULOUS" voice. :P

Anonymous said...

I feel fine now. Lazy. But I am determined to get some housework done this afternoon. Maybe.