Monday, July 14, 2008


I stole this from That Guy.

A is for age. I'm 27 going on 13
B is for Burger of Choice. Five Guys double bacon cheeseburger.
C is for Car. 1991 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight...Pimp this suckas .
D is for daughters. I love my little girl!
E is for essential item you use every day. My liver...I think it is a very under loved organ.
F is for favorite tv show. How I met you mother
G is for groceries. BACON WRAPPED SCALLOPS...YUM
H is for how often you embarrass yourself. Not Much anymore, I don't really care what other people think about me.
I is for ice cream. Moose Tracks.
J is for juice. Does Lemonade count as Juice?
K is for kids. 1 Girl, Glenna.
L is for Lipstick. I find that a deep red really looks good on m...wait never mind .
M is for Mexican food. Jose Peppers is the freakin awesome .
N is for number of piercings. I used to have one but I accidently ripped it out of my ear and haven't gotten another one. .
O is for Optometry. I wear glasses...dang it.
P is for People You Were With Today. Richard and Terry.
Q is for Quiet Time. I just sleep...Ilike sleepy.
R is for Biggest Regret. Meeting Amy....OR 99.9% of the crap I did in high school
S is for sports you play. Football and BaseBall
T is for tattoo. I want one REAL bad
U is for what is unique about you. I give really good advice.
V is for Vegetables you Love. Corn...only because you rent it...
W is for Worst Habit. talking loudly!
X is for number of x rays. To many to count....Stupid football.
Y is for Yummy Food you ate today. Cheez it's and sugar free applesauce!
Z is for Zodiac. Capricorn but I don't belive in all that crap.

1 comment:

carrie said...

because you rent i??

Gross, but true.