Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So I have been told it has been awhile since I have updated my blog…So I figured I would try and update it just to make some people happy. Well since the last time I updated this lets see……hmmmm Oh yeah we moved. We went from the nice peaceful country to the somewhat noisy city. I really miss the country but I don’t miss the house that much. I look at where Brooke and I are today and I have to say I think we are truly blessed. The more I think about it the more I think we went about this the right way. Brooke and I started out our marriage by living in Gardner, it was nice only being 10 minutes away form Olathe and from Church and from our friends. But then Brooke dropped the bombshell on me. She told me that the family that was renting her grandma’s old house was going to be moving out and that her grandma had offered to let us rent it out for a freaking steal. Well even at the rent she was going to charge us I was not happy about moving all the way down to Princeton. I didn’t think we could afford the gas of driving back and forth as much as we would be and I sure as heck didn’t want to move from all of my friends. But I did it…I wasn’t happy but I did it. Flash forward 7 years, I can’t believe we have lived down here this long, and I absolutely LOVE IT!! I told Brooke the other day that I NEVER want to move back to the city again. Ottawa is a nice town and I am finding out that it is pretty quite. All In all I am happy…Brooke is happy and things are really going good for us. We are now living next to our friends Carrie and Charlie in which we are VERY VERY much excited about. I am thinking that Charlie and I are going to have some movie/documentary marathons coming up. Well that’s all I can think of right now….