Ok so I’m bored. Actually I’m busier then all get out but I was urged to update my blog so people would have something to read. I really don’t have much going on right now but I will try to unleash some tidbits of information I am looking forward to Sunday, Brooke and I are going to eat dinner with Carrie and Her husband Charlie. I am super stoked (90’s flashback.) about hanging out with Charlie, he’s a history guy and I’m a history guy so that means one of two things will happen, we will sit and talk about history for HOUR’S and bore everyone else in the room to tears with our smartness OR we will disagree on something and have to settle it in the 6 sided ring of fire. I really hope it doesn’t come to that. I am looking forward to seeing one of their kids in his natural environment I have a feeling it will be crazy.
I am also looking forward to next Saturday, Brooke and I are going to Tongie to have bbq with some of our friends. I am actually going on Friday to hang out with my buddy and get everything ready so we can start smoking around 5am. It should be a good time.
Ok so that’s all the information I have. Now it’s time for a game. I am going to put out some of my favorite movie quotes and the person who can guess what movie they are from wins.. I don’t know what the win yet but it’s something, so here it goes..
Mac: Oh, c'mon, we're like the sons you never had.
Captain O'Hagan: If you were my son, Mac, I would've smothered you by now.
Mac: Smothered me in gravy you big dirty man.
Mac: How's your shooting, Thorny?
Thorny: Good. I've been dead on all morning.
Mac: What about that little guy? [points to a bullet hole in the shooting target's neck]
Thorny: Who, that little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy.
Mike: Hi there, this is Mike Donnelly. I work over here at the recreational center. To be honest with you I pretty much run the place ha, ha, ha. Is this ah Pat Gyles? Good, Good. Hey, hope everything's going great in your fine town of er Avery? Edward! Ha, ha, ha. Say, the reason I'm calling is I wanted to tell you a little bit about the candidacy of Al Donnelly. Al Donnelly's a guy with a dream. His dream is to become governor of this great state of Washington. Hell, every guy's got his dream, am I right? Between you, me and the wall here, I doozy myself last night. Ha ha, ha, ha. Get this: A corn-fed harvest mouse, a hooker, a nun, a Flemish peasant woman, whips, chains, whistles yo-yo's, a circus midget. My grandmother riding by on a bicycle give me the finger, and a duck! Now, I don't know ha, ha, ha. Are you crying? Oh my lord. I am sorry honey, please don't ! Could you get your daddy on the phone. No, don't hang up please I... [phone hangs up]
Tommy: Hey, remember your brother Duane? Whatever happened to him? We used to go to Safeway all the time and get caught trying to steal doughnuts.
Michelle: He's a cop. He had to get a real job when my parents moved to Cuyahoga Falls. Tommy: Wow! [awkward silence]
Michelle: [holds up box of Dunkin' Donuts] Want one?
Tommy: I'd better not. I have what doctors call a little bit of a weight problem. I used to grab bear claws as a kid, two at a time, and I'd get them lodged right in this region here.
Crow T. Robot: Hey, Mike, you think you can toss me my calculations? Thanks! Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.
Cal Meecham: [after German scientist comments on Mozart at dinner] What do you think of Mr. Mozart, Exeter? Exeter: I'm afraid I don't know the chap.
Tom Servo: "I'm not an alien!" Exeter: My mind must have been wandering. Your composer, of course. Cal Meecham: *Our* composer - he belongs to the world! Exeter: Yes, indeed.
Mike: "I'm not an alien." Cal Meecham: That dinner, Exeter, was even more perfect than you promised. Now if you'll excuse me, I could do with some fresh air myself.
Crow T. Robot: He's gonna get high! Cal Meecham: Would you care to join me, Dr. Adams?
Tom Servo: "Uh, no!" Cal Meecham: You, Dr. Carlson?
Mike: "Your turn to walk the Cal." Exeter: Why don't you? Show him the grounds.
Crow T. Robot: "I dare ya!" Exeter: We won't start cracking the whip on Meecham until tomorrow.
Tom Servo: "Then I ram my ovipositor down your throat, and lay my eggs in your chest! But I'm *not* an alien!"
Mike: Boy, the landlady's gonna be mad.
Tom Servo: Are you boys cooking up there?
Mike: No.
Tom Servo: Are you making an interositor?
Mike: No!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
this that and the other
Monday, April 21, 2008
My weekend and Soap Boxes
Ok First off Rachel, the only reason I am posting today is because of your remark about it being 4 days. Ok with that out of the way , this weekend was great. On Thursday of last week I got to have dinner with a friend of mine whom I haven’t seen in forever! It was a blast we talked about old times and brought each other up to speed on where we are at in our lives now. I am still riding the high from that night. It’s amazing how you can pick up where you left off over a decade ago. I look forward to many more good times with him and hope we can get our good friendship back.
Friday night was a blast as well. It was couples night and we had a new couple join us. It was a great time with games and food and Amy telling everyone she got knocked up again. Way to go Dan! On Saturday I went to the church to get things ready for Sunday when I struck up a conversation with a guy I go to church with. We talked about history mainly but I feel the roots of a friendship were planted. I sure hope so. After that my mom and dad came out to the house to spend time with Glenna, they are completely head over heels for her. Then came Sunday, Church was awesome, Pastors message was great as usual, but I have found something that really bothers me. Talking/whispering during the message!!! Call me old but I think that is the biggest sigh of disrespect one can have. We are taught when we are little that we are not to be talking when ever someone else is talking, so why is it any different to do it while the pastor is preaching? I see it this way and I have told the Jr. Highers in my former youth group this exact thing “ I do not put pastors on a pedestal. They are mere humans just like I am, they are no closer to God than any of us, BUT they do bring the message of God to us and when we talk and do other things during their message we are not only disrespecting then we are also disrespecting God as well.” Ok I am now stepping off of my soap box! I hope you all have a gooooood week and Look out for my Crazy Grandma Fridays…oh this is gonna be fun!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Spring time brings out the crazy in everyone
AH it’s that time of year again, time for the grass to start turning green, the trees to start budding, the temperature getting warmer and my grandmother getting a police escort down her street. What’s that you say? Grandma getting a police escort? Welcome once again the randomness that is my life.
Let me start off by giving you a little background on my grandmother, When my mom was a child my grandmother was abusive, she often tried to kill all of her kids, and no one knew why. Many years later my grandma was diagnosed with schizophrenia and Bi-polar disease. The doctors ended up putting her on some pretty potent medicine. The side effects of this medicine were not know until the last about 10 years. This stuff has made my grandma nuttier then squirrel poop( but in a good and funny way). Ok so now that I have set the background somewhat let me tell you what happened this weekend. On Sunday my grandmother was supposed to go eat lunch with her sister and her mother when she got a call from my Uncle Dave who happens to be the Lt. Chief of police in Lawrence (where my grandmother lives) he told her that she is going to see a bunch of police cars outside her house and to NOT go outside under any circumstance, Well the time came for my grandma to go eat and she was worried that her sister wouldn’t wait for her or that she would get confused so what does my grandma do? She gets ready and goes outside to look for her sister. Upon doing this a policeman promptly ran up to her and told her to go back inside because there was a guy across the street trying to kill his wife and steal there kids. But my grandma refused. The poor officer was trying to get her back into the house when she played the ultimate trump card..She said” My son is Lt. David Cobb and I will not be treated like this” when the cop asked “who” My grandma replied “Lt.David Cobb your boss now let me got to lunch with my sister.” So the police called the chief in who in turn had to call my uncle for verification. And when all was said and done my grandmother was escorted by the police to her sister’s car so she wouldn’t miss lunch.
I feel so sorry for my poor uncle Dave. He is going to get the ball busting of a lifetime today at work. If your ever interested in more of these stories..let me know I have a whole bunch of them. Many of them are the reasons my mom is embarrassed to show her face in Lawrence.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
So here is what is happening in my world lately. As you probably read in my previous post I have had a bit of car trouble. Well hopefully those problems are solved. I got a new car yesterday, a 1991 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight Elite. This car is awesome. It is DEFINATLY pimp mobile # 2. My wife drives a 1990 olds Ninety-Eight Regency broughm , Hers has a white exterior with red button and tuck leather interior. Mine is maroon with red leather. I am currently working on building a fleet of pimp mobiles. So that way when someone says their car broke down I can say hey you wanna drive a pimp mobile? And they can be all like Heck yeah.
As far as our house search is going we are really starting to talk about a few in general. It still is very exciting to be looking at these houses, I finally feel all grown up and fully independent. In other news I have been having a real hard time lately with loneliness. I know I am ALWAYS around people here at work and my wife and daughter at home but I still feel lonely. I don’t know why. I think a lot of it has to do with my lack of friends, Growing up there was always 4 of us. Scott, Ric, Paul and Myself. We did EVERYTHING together. But as time has gone on we have all moved away from each other. Flash forward to now, Same situation- I have some friends now Paul and Dan who I feel like I did around the fab 4 from high school. But it seems like the same scenario is starting to play out again. When Dan moved up to the city I had a feeling things would change, and they have. The one thing I used to look forward to was knowing I was going to get that phone call from Dan saying I’m bored and I’m coming over to play xbox ( that was a regular occurrence). I loved that fact that Dan could not sit still for 5 minutes he always had to be doing something which made it to where I always had to be doing something. Now I have nothing to do. Paul on the other hand lives like 5 miles away. I think him and I have a lot in common but I am always afraid to call him to see if he would like to hang out. He works this crazy schedule and I don’t want to take away from anytime he has to spend with Rachel and Nathan, so every time I think about calling I don’t because I don’t want to make anyone mad. So here I am. I am lonely. I don’t really know what to do about it but all I know is that it sucks, but I guess that’s just life huh.
I find myself wondering how people who don’t know Jesus deal with this stuff. I mean although I am lonely I know that atleast I still have Jesus and that is an awesome feeling!